It is a little-known fact that 80% of the information processed by the brain is collected through the eyes!
Poor vision impacts on a child's ability to learn, participate in sports and how they relate to other children; which in turn may have a negative impact on a child's confidence & self-esteem, behaviour, future development and ultimately life choices. Therefore, early detection of vision problems is extremely important for children!
As a Registered Behavioural Optometrist and SchoolVision Practitioner I understand the difference between vision and how different it is from eyesight. An Eyesight Assessment simply involves seeing a chart on the wall at a distance, while a Vision Assessment is about investigating the dynamic nature of how we see, track, interpret and process what we see and create meaning out of what we see.
Vision includes sharpness of sight at distance and near; ability to aim and focus the eyes properly especially for near vision tasks such as reading and computers; the ability to sustain focus for long periods of time for reading and computers; tracking the eye movements for reading fluency and accuracy and the processing of the visual information each the eyes take in.
As you know Dyslexia affects around 16% of the population, however it is thought that over half of these individuals will have visual dysfunction which can cause underachievement in reading.
Visual dysfunction may be due to:
SchoolVision Assessments are specifically designed to identify Visual Dysfunction and its association with Learning. Although new to Taranaki, SchoolVision Assessments have been long established in Christchurch at Antice & Associates and in the UK. We are often surprised how often vision can be over-looked as part of the cause of reading, tracking or processing difficulties. Often, once the visual mechanics have been stabilised with specs and/or vision therapy, the learning potential exponentially improves. (
At Stratford Optometrists we do FUN non-invasive SchoolVision Assessments that last 60 Minutes to establish the efficiency of each of the 17 different visual skills that an individual requires to perform at their best. Using the latest technology, we do a thorough assessment of Eyesight, Vision and Health of the eyes.
We LOVE seeing the look of our patients and parents faces when they return for their reviews!
And we thought it was about time we shared what we do with your team.
Poor vision impacts on a child's ability to learn, participate in sports and how they relate to other children; which in turn may have a negative impact on a child's confidence & self-esteem, behaviour, future development and ultimately life choices. Therefore, early detection of vision problems is extremely important for children!
As a Registered Behavioural Optometrist and SchoolVision Practitioner I understand the difference between vision and how different it is from eyesight. An Eyesight Assessment simply involves seeing a chart on the wall at a distance, while a Vision Assessment is about investigating the dynamic nature of how we see, track, interpret and process what we see and create meaning out of what we see.
Vision includes sharpness of sight at distance and near; ability to aim and focus the eyes properly especially for near vision tasks such as reading and computers; the ability to sustain focus for long periods of time for reading and computers; tracking the eye movements for reading fluency and accuracy and the processing of the visual information each the eyes take in.
As you know Dyslexia affects around 16% of the population, however it is thought that over half of these individuals will have visual dysfunction which can cause underachievement in reading.
Visual dysfunction may be due to:
- Uncorrected long sight, short sight or astigmatism
- Accommodative insufficiency
- Eye tracking difficulties
- Poor eye motility
- Convergence insufficiency
- Ocular motor balance
- Eye dominance that is unstable
- Pattern glare
- Spectral sensitivity (Irlen Syndrome)
- Poor dynamic fixation
- Contrast sensitivity issues
- Fixation disparity, poor fusional reserve
SchoolVision Assessments are specifically designed to identify Visual Dysfunction and its association with Learning. Although new to Taranaki, SchoolVision Assessments have been long established in Christchurch at Antice & Associates and in the UK. We are often surprised how often vision can be over-looked as part of the cause of reading, tracking or processing difficulties. Often, once the visual mechanics have been stabilised with specs and/or vision therapy, the learning potential exponentially improves. (
At Stratford Optometrists we do FUN non-invasive SchoolVision Assessments that last 60 Minutes to establish the efficiency of each of the 17 different visual skills that an individual requires to perform at their best. Using the latest technology, we do a thorough assessment of Eyesight, Vision and Health of the eyes.
We LOVE seeing the look of our patients and parents faces when they return for their reviews!
And we thought it was about time we shared what we do with your team.